Susie's Breastfeeding success program and membership!

The breastfeeding rumours aren’t true...

You absolutely CAN learn how to happily, easily and successfully breastfeed (and continue to breastfeed) without the overwhelm, loneliness and worry.

You're a mum-to-be and you want to breastfeed, but you’ve heard rumours.

 While breastfeeding is biologically natural, It is a learned skill. It often does NOT come naturally!

And everyone has an opinion. 

 On top of that, there’s the worry that even if your baby takes the boob, what if you don’t make enough milk? Also, your best friend’s sister had to stop because she was in so much pain. What if it hurts? 

 Or you are a new mum and you’re wondering how anyone gets the hang of this. You’re hunched over your baby in an awkward position with your neck screaming at you. Turns out your baby doesn't just latch on and suck like you thought would just... happen.

 And let’s not talk about the logistics that have you second-guessing every single session, like: how long should you feed for? How often? And should you feed your baby to sleep?

One word. Four letters.


I got you.

Like I REALLY do!



Susie Prout

Mum of three, Registered Midwife, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and Creator of Susie's Breastfeeding Success Membership.

Do any of these sound like you?


You’re a mum-to-be…

  • You want to breastfeed but don’t know where to start
  • You don’t know who to turn to for breastfeeding support
  • You’re worried you might not be able to breastfeed (even though your really want to)
  •  You don’t know who to trust, there’s so much information out there (and everyone has an opinion)!
  • You don't think you will make enough milk for your baby
  • You are worried there will be pain.


Or you're a new mum…

  • Constantly worrying if your baby’s getting enough milk
  • You're struggling to relax and enjoy breastfeeding (it’s harder than you thought)
  • Breastfeeding just doesn’t make sense - how long should you feed, how often, should you feed baby to sleep?!
  • You are craving a community - just one place - where you can belong, with like minded women

What if I told you it didn't have to be hard, it didn't have to be overwhelming, or that it didn't have to be lonely?

What if there was a way to easily and simply master breastfeeding? 

 Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be hard, complicated or confusing. You can breastfeed your baby by following some simple steps that will give you the confidence and knowledge to succeed.



What to expect in the Breastfeeding Success Membership videos.

Short, easy to follow and instructional video lessons of everything you need to know to succeed.

The foundations

  • Those first few days
  • Skin to skin and the first 24 hours after birth
  • What if baby wont attach?!
  • What are the signs my baby is hungry?
  • Why is breastmilk and breastfeeding so good for you.

Positioning and attachment

  • Cluster feeding
  • How long to feed? How often to feed?!
  • ATTACHING to the breast - mother led and baby led attachment, how to do it!
  • Feeding positions

Milk supply

  • Milk supply
  • Not enough milk - and how to fix it
  • Too much milk - and how to fix it
  • What is supply and demand
  • All about baby weights

Expressing your milk

  • All about expressing / pumping
  • All the different types of pumps and exactly HOW to use them and why.
  • Hand expressing

Breastfeeding problems

  • When things don't go to plan
  • Biting
  • Mastitis, engorgement and blocked ducts
  • Nipple shields
  • Nipple pain

Bottles and dummies

  • Bottles, mixed feeding, storage, preparation and sterilising
  • Dummies / pacifiers



Short instructional videos is what you need to learn all the skills required to breastfeed with ease, but I know that leaving it there is not enough. 

This is where the membership is different to other breastfeeding education you may have come across...

New mums need support.

Lack of support is one of the main reasons for breastfeeding not working out the way the new mum wants it to.

We cannot have education without support, and we cannot have support without education - THIS is why this membership is magic.

In the membership you also get access to an exclusive, private facebook community of likeminded women. You can post your questions as they come up and I will also provide weekly Q & A live chats.

This will remove the overwhelm, worry and stress.


Are you googling

  • Do you just want ONE safe space that you can have all your feeding education, all your feeding questions and all the support you need for your entire breastfeeding journey in the one spot?
  • Are you just overwhelmed thinking I don't even know what I don't know!!

Come and join Susie in
The Breastfeeding Success Membership!


Hi, I'm Susie Prout

I am a Registered Midwife and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and live in Perth, Western Australia.

I'm also a mumma of 3 small kiddies, who I have breastfed easily and without the overwhelm.

I have helped countless women succeed in breastfeeding with my way of teaching that is simple, easy to follow and just makes sense!

I run a private lactation consultancy and in doing so I have come to realise how much fluff and incorrect advice there is out there - I know how to make it easy and that's why I have felt an overwhelming pull to create this membership. 

I also run the highly popular podcast The Australian Breastfeeding Podcast.

I am looking so forward to helping you!

Susie Prout - registered midwife and international board certified lactation consultant

What does the membership include?

  • Access to my video library of self paced lessons which include easy to follow instructional videos, that are short and sharp (no fluff) that cover everything you need to know.
  • My signature Breastfeeding Success Program to teach you exactly how to breastfeed sits within the membership
  • Practical demonstration of breastfeeding equipment, pumps, nipple shields etc
  • Tools and strategies that you can implement straight away.
  • The 'request a tutorial' option - is there something you need information on but its not in the course? I will record it for you
  • Private Facebook community for the duration of your membership - this is where the magic happens
  • 1 x weekly live Q&A run by Susie in the private Facebook community answering all your questions.
  • Daily checkins in the group for your smaller 'quick questions'
  • Community! *so important!
  • A passionate mentor who can hold space and answer all your burning questions.


2 options


12 months long because no matter where you are in your pregnancy now (or maybe you have a baby already in your arms) I dont want you to feel you wont have my support for long enough!!

A one off price of $260 for a 12 month membership


If you prefer we have a monthly subscription (that you can easily cancel anytime)

$70 per month


How it works and what you get

The breastfeeding success membership is a powerful combination of:

Learning Modules

Access to video lessons that are to the point and easy to follow, about everything you need to know.

Susie's signature Breastfeeding Success Program sits within the membership

Supportive community

Access to my exclusive private Facebook group where you can meet other likeminded mums for the duration of your membership. Your online breastfeeding mothers group.

Your questions answered

Weekly Q&A's in the private Facebook community to have all your questions answered by Susie (plus daily check-ins for quick answers to your burning questions)

Expert advice

All the content is delivered by Susie, a highly educated and experienced Registered Midwife and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant

Practical demonstrations

All types of breast pumps, nipples shields and more included in practical step by step video's

Breastfeeding demonstrations

Positions, attachment techniques and much more delivered in video lessons

Be prepared for what to expect when the time comes to breastfeed your baby.


You see, we spend a lot of time worrying about the birth and we often feel that we can just think about breastfeeding 'once the baby is here'. 

The very fast decline in Australian breastfeeding rates shows us that this just doesn't work.

Recent Australian studies have shown that more than 80% of Australian mothers have breastfeeding problems before they have even left the hospital. 

Staggeringly nearly all Australian women start breastfeeding (96%) but as little as 15% are still breastfeeding by 6 months.

Something is going wrong, and the rates are not getting any better.

According to countless clients of mine; lack of support, lack of correct education and perceptions of not having enough milk or 'not doing it right' are the main reasons for this.

It's not enough to 'just see how you go'. I don't want you to end up upset or regretting anything about your new motherhood journey, because we can do this together.

We can smash your breastfeeding goals!

12 MONTHS $260 AU (best value)


Reach out to me if you have any questions about the membership.

I am more than happy to chat with you!

Susie xx